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Gate automation and control systems

FAAC XF 868 MHz radio module
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

GSM Remote Switch / GSM Gate Opener
GSM vārtu atvērēja tālvadības slēdzis RTU5024.
Elektroniskais GSM kontrolieris ierīču vadīšanai GSM tīklā attālināti, neizmantojot internetu un datu pārraidi.
GSM kontrolleri RTU5024 var veiksmīgi izmantot ne tikai barjeras kontrolei, bet arī citu uzdevumu veikšanai, kad nepieciešams ieviest tālvadības pulti vai piekļuves kontroli. Modulis noderēs, ja nepieciešams automatizēt mehānisku atvēršanas un aizvēršanas darbību, tālvadības ieslēgšanas un izslēgšanas darbību vai uzstādīt piekļuves kontroles sistēmu.
Tālvadības ierīces vadība - bezmaksas telefona zvani. Nav nepieciešama tālvadības pults, atslēgas vai internets.
Bez maksas par zvanu. Ierīce identificē zvanītāja numuru, un releja slēdzis noraida zvanu no autorizētā numura.
Vienkārša programmēšana un savienošana. Lietotāji tiek pievienoti vai noņemti ar SMS teksta komandu. Autorizētie tālruņu numuri: līdz 200. Drošs - zvanītāja ID identifikācijai, nezināmie zvanītāji tiek ignorēti.
Releja slēgšanas vai atvēršanas laiks ir programmējams.
Var darbināt no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot GSM tīklu, bez attāluma ierobežojuma. Četrjoslas var darboties visā pasaulē.
Viedtālruņa lietotne RTU5024 ir pieejama turpmākai konfigurēšanai un pārvaldībai.
Pēc konfigurēšanas tai nav nepieciešama apkope.
Vairākas lietojumprogrammas. Šo kontrolieri var savienot ar dažādām elektriskām (elektroniskām) ierīcēm.
Attālināti atverami/aizverami veramie/bīdāmie vārti, durvis, žalūzijas, garāžas durvis. Ideāls risinājums mājai (vasarnīcai) ar automātiskajiem vārtiem.
Dzīvojamās telpas: durvis, vārti, garāžas piekļuves kontrole, elektroniskās ierīces, piemēram, ventilators, mikroviļņu krāsns, gaisa kondicionieris utt.
Rūpnieciskās tālvadības slēdžu iekārtas, piemēram: ielu apgaismojums, saules enerģija, motori, invertori, PLC, sūkņi, ventilatori utt.
Lauksaimniecība: tālvadības pults vadības sūkņi utt
Bizness: tālvadības elektroniskās kastes, spilgti stendi, LED izkārtnes utt.
GSM frekvence: 2G, Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz.
Barošana: 9~24V DC / 2A.
Izejas: NC / NO sausa kontakta, 3A / 240V AC.
Strāvas patēriņš: 12V; ieejas maks. 50mA, vidēji 25mA.
SIM karte: 3V SIM karte (mini SIM).
Antena: 50 omu SMA antenas interfeiss.
Darba temperatūra: -20°C~+ 60°C, pie mitruma līdz 90% RH.
Materiāls: alumīnijs.
Izmēri: 102x76x27mm.
Svars: 108g.
Piemērots akumulators: 3,7 V / 900 mAh (nopērkams atsevišķi).
Pilns komplekts:
GSM kontrolieris.
GSM antena.
Savienojuma adapteris x2 gab.
Garantija: 24 mēneši.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

STP ~ Kontrolieris vārtu automātikai 230Vac
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

ZKTECO RS485 Converter to Wiegand for C2-260 Controller
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

STA200 (PLA15) Adjustable Screw Handles for NICE WINGO 2024/WG4024
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

STP200 (PLA14) adjustable screw handles for NICE WINGO 2024/WG4024
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

NICE ON2E ERA ONE OPERA two-channel remote control
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Nice FLO2RE remote control Roller shutter Press buttons
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Outside decoupling system for gates with handle BFT SM1 (P115005)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

4-channel BFT MITTO COOL C4 remote control 433.92Mhz (D112318)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Remote control NICE MYGO4 433.92 MHz 4-channel
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Pilot Beninca TO. GO4A - Four-Channel
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Remote control FAAC XT2 868 SLH LR Black
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Pilot Beninca TO. GO4VA - Four-channel
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

NICE ERA INTI2 two-channel remote control
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Universal base for DEIMOS BFT drives
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

FAAC XT4 868 SLH LR remote control
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Nice Era One BiDi (ON3EBDR01) - two-way remote control with NFC communication
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

BFT SFR L-B - long adjustable post holder (screwed) for 1 cylinder (N735003)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Remote Control ZigBee Button TUYA SC04 Smart 4 Channels 12 Scenes
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

BFT Radius LED 230V AC A R0 lamp without antenna
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

BFT SFR B COMPLETE - adjustable post holder (screwed) for 1 cylinder (N735002 00001)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NMx FX Controller/Radio (FAAC FIX)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Nice ON4E remote control Press buttons
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Mounting brackets FAAC/GENIUS 414/415/G-BAT (for 1 cylinder) - 6020083
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Beninca LAMPI lamp. LED with antenna (12-250V)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima HB remote control for FL vehicle (NICE FLOR)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NMx SM controller/radio (NICE Smilo)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

ST100HS ~ 2 Kanālu komplekts automātikas vadībai 100m
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

NICE PPH1 column for EPM and EPL series photocells
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

STB24VM1 ~ 24Vdc motoru uztvērējs vārtu automātikai
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

BFT Radius LED AC A R1 230V lamp with antenna
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

BFT CLONIX 2E (D113674 00001) 2-channel, variable code controller/radio
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW1 SF controller/radio (Somfy RTS)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW1 SP (CAME SPACE) controller/radio
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Sterownik/radioodbiornik Proxima NW1 BEA (Beninca ARC/HCS)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NMx FL controller/radio (NICE Flor)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW1 AT4 Controller/Radio (CAME ATOMO)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Nice ELAC alarm lighting Fixed LED
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW1 FL controller/radio (nice flor)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW1 FS8 Controller/Radio (FAAC 868 SLH)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Lampa Genius Guard LED 230V AC
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

Proxima NW2 BF (BFT) controller/radio
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

ST200HS ~ 2 Kanālu komplekts automātikas vadībai 200m
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.

BFT RADIUS LED BT A R1 W (24V with antenna, white diffuser)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.