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Домофоны | Дверные звонки
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Domofons vai Namrunis tiek izmantots saziņai ar Jūsu mājokļa ciemiņiem vai ofisa apmeklētājiem.
Faktiski domofons ir modernizēts durvju zvans :-) Viena no audio vai video domofona galvenajām funcijām attālināti sazināties ar apmeklētāju netverot durvis vai vēl noderīgāk privātmāju saimniekiem , kuriem nav jāiet pie ieejas vārtiņiem.
Nospiežot zvanu pogu pie durvīm vai vārtiņiem atskan zvana signāls mājokļa iekšpusē un mājokļa saimniekiem ir iespēja sazināties ar ciemiņu neatverot durvis vai vārtiņus :
- Ar Audio domofona palīdzību sarunāties mutiski izmantojot telefona klausuli, kura atrodas katrā dzīvoklī (audio namruņus parasti izmanto daudzstāvu dzīvokļu mājās). Audio domofoniem ieejas zvana pogai ir tikai iebūvēts mikrofons.
- Ar Video domofona palīdzību var ne tikai sarunāties, bet arī redzēt monitorā ciemiņu ar kuru notiek saruna. Video namruņa displejs atrodas saimnieka mājoklī. Video namruņa ieejas zvana pogā ir ierīkota videokamera un mikrofons.
- Ar IP Video domofona palīdzību sarunāties un redzēt ciemiņu ne tikai atrodoties mājoklī izmantojot mājas monitoru, bet , pat , ja saimnieks atrodas ārpus mājokļa - sazināties un redzēt ciemiņu savā viedtālrunī.

Denver VDB-216
Ha складе поставщика 6 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB759485390

KH6 Series IP-Based Indoor Station
7“ Touch-Screen Indoor Station, 7-inch Colorful TFT LCD, display resolution: 1024 * 600;10/100Mbps Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n;standard PoE/ 12 VDC.TF card, max 32G8-ch alarm input, 2xalarm output, 1x485
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EB Код: DS-KH6350-WTE1

VTM125, 2 Module panel, Dahua
Ha складе поставщика 3 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB1758026452

DR-2PN ~ Вызывная панель аудиодомофона на 1 абонента настенная Commax
Ha складе поставщика 5 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB923872137

DR-201D ~ Вызывная панель аудиодомофона на 1 абонента настенная Commax
Ha складе поставщика 3 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB344751107

DP-2S ~ 2-х проводная трубка для аудиодомофонов Commax
Ha складе поставщика 5 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB2050918021

MAC-D ~ 2-х проводная трубка для многоабонентских аудиодомофонов Cyfral
Ha складе поставщика 5 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB1886682269

Doorbell villa outdoor unit/133.2*48*15.5mm/110°viewing angle/IR LED nightvision/Waterproof
На складе 0
EB Код: OUV-V30-CA

CP-2533NR-4 ~ Многоабонентская вызывная панель аудиодомофона с RFID считывателем врезная Laskomex
Ha складе поставщика 3 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB952401265

Ha складе поставщика 2 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB1587766423

NP-4100 ~ Список абонентов черный для аудиодомофонов Laskomex
Ha складе поставщика 2 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB571505894

Ha складе поставщика 4 шт.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
⛟ Доставка через 1-3 рабочих дня после оплаты.
EB Код: EB765991135

Protective rain shield for DS-KD-ACW1
Protective rain shield for DS-KD-ACW1
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EB Код: DS-KABD8003-RS1

Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW1:1 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 1
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW1:1 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 1 module frame , 1 module front panel and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW2:2 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 2
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW2:2 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 2 module frame , 2 module front panel, 1 button cover and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW3:3 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 3
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACW3:3 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 3 module frame , 3 module front panel, 1 button cover and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF1/Plastic:1 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , inclu
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF1/Plastic:1 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 1 module, a metal front panel for 1 module and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF2/Plastic:2 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , incl
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF2/Plastic:2 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box 2 module, a front panel for 2 module, 1 button cover and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF3/Plasitc: 3 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , incl
Stainless Steel Version of DS-KD-ACF3/Plasitc: 3 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 3 module, a front panel for 3 module, 1 button cover and some other necessary accessories .
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CMOS 2 MP, 10-Inch Colorful IPS LCD, capacitive Touch Screen and display resolution 1280 × 800, 2 RJ
CMOS 2 MP, 10-Inch Colorful IPS LCD, capacitive Touch Screen and display resolution 1280 × 800, 2 RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Self-Adaptive Ethernet Interface, 1 HDMI, 1 RS-485 Half-Duplex Port, 3 USB Interface, 2 Relay Output, 2 Alarm Input , 4 Audio Inputs & 4 Audio Outputs, 12
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EB Код: DS-KM9503

3.5-inch colorful LCD screen with 480 × 320 resolution; 2 MP HD camera with high quality image, Al
3.5-inch colorful LCD screen with 480 × 320 resolution; 2 MP HD camera with high quality image, Aluminum Alloy, Infrared Light Supplement; 10M/100M/1000M Self-adaptive Ethernet, Wiegand & RS-485; 120 ° wide angle of view, Unlocks by cards and pin-codes; Supports cofigura
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EB Код: DS-KD8023-E6

3.5-inch colorful LCD screen with 480 × 320 resolution; 2 MP HD camera with high quality image, Al
3.5-inch colorful LCD screen with 480 × 320 resolution; 2 MP HD camera with high quality image, Aluminum Alloy, Infrared Light Supplement; 10M/100M/1000M Self-adaptive Ethernet, RS-485; 120 ° wide angle of view, Unlocks by cards and pin-codes; Supports cofiguration via Web r
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EB Код: DS-KD3003-E6

IP video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call buttonDS-KV6113-WPE1(C)1x DS-KH6320-WTE1 1x
IP video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call button.DS-KV6113-WPE1(C) x1;DS-KH6320-WTE1 x1;PSU x2;Power adapter included in the package(European Standard)
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EB Код: DS-KIS603-P(C)

IP video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call button.DS-KV8113-WME1(C) x1;DS-KH6320-WTE1
IP video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call button.DS-KV8113-WME1(C) x1;DS-KH6320-WTE1 x1;4 port standard PoE switch x1;16GB TF card x1;Power adapter included in the package(European Standard)
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EB Код: DS-KIS604-S(C)

Video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call button.DS-KD8003-IME2/Surface x 1; DS-KH6320-W
Video intercom kit for villa or house, only one call button.DS-KD8003-IME2/Surface x 1; DS-KH6320-WTE2 x 1; DS-KAD704 x 1;DS-KAW30-2N x 1; 16GB TF card x1;No need additional power supply
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EB Код: DS-KIS702 Two WIRE

10.1-inch colorful touch screen with resolution 1024 × 600Supports Android app installationOpen plat
10.1-inch colorful touch screen with resolution 1024 × 600Supports Android app installationOpen platform for the third-party software integrationVideo intercom & live view on mobile phone all-dayBuilt-in Hik-Connect for all-in-one managementWireless intrusion panel for on-sit
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EB Код: DS-KH9510-WTE1(B)

Table bracket for KH9310/9510 series indoor station, material : SUS430
Table bracket for KH9310/9510 series indoor station, material : SUS430
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EB Код: DS-KABH9510-T

10“ Touch-Screen Indoor Station, 10-inch Colorful TFT LCD, display resolution: 1024 * 600;10/100Mbps
10“ Touch-Screen Indoor Station, 10-inch Colorful TFT LCD, display resolution: 1024 * 600;10/100Mbps Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n;standard PoE/ 12 VDC.TF card, max 32G8-ch alarm input,2xalarm output, 1x485
Ha складе поставщика
EB Код: DS-KH8520-WTE1

Table bracket for KH8350 series indoor station, material : SUS430
Table bracket for KH8350 series indoor station, material : SUS430
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EB Код: DS-KABH8350-T

Table bracket for KH6320/8520 series indoor station, material : SUS430
Table bracket for KH6320/8520 series indoor station, material : SUS430
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EB Код: DS-KABH6320-T

CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standar
CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standard PoE/ 12 VDC, Mifare card reading module; 10M/100M Self-adaptive Ethernet, RS-485; 4-ch alarm input,2 relay for door lock control; IP65,3 indicator integrated
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EB Код: DS-KV8213-WME1

6 call buttons, module connection with RS-485 , IP65
6 call buttons, module connection with RS-485 , IP65
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Indicator module, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight compensation,Flush mounting, Surfa
Indicator module, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight compensation,Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.21mmx100.21 mm x33.7mm, powered by other module (Power input: 12VDC, Power output: 12VDC)
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Display module, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight,Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.
Display module, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight,Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.21mmx100.21 mm x33.7mm, 3.5 inch LCD, 320*480, 4 buttons, dial number display, pin code unlock, contact list display, powered by other module (Power input: 12VDC, Power output: 12V
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Mifare 1 card reader module, 13.56MHz, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight compensation,F
Mifare 1 card reader module, 13.56MHz, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight compensation,Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.21mmx100.21 mm x33.7mm, key in password to open door, call resident via inputing room number, powered by other module (Power input: 12VDC, Power
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EM card reader module, 125KHz, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight,needs mouting bracket,
EM card reader module, 125KHz, module connection with RS-485 , IP65,Backlight,needs mouting bracket, Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.21mmx100.21 mm x33.7mm, unlock door via swiping card, powered by other module (Power input: 12VDC, Power output: 12VDC)
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3 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 3 module frame , 3 module front panel
3 module accessories , used for Surface mounting , includes 3 module frame , 3 module front panel and some other necessary accessories .
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1 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 1 module
1 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 1 module, a metal front panel for 1 module and some other necessary accessories .
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2 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box 2 module, a
2 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box 2 module, a front panel for 2 module and some other necessary accessories .
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3 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 3 module
3 module accessories , used for Flush mounting , includes a plastic flush mouting box for 3 module, a front panel for 3 module and some other necessary accessories .
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Stainless steel version:Main unit , needs mouting bracket.CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera, Fish eye, 1 C
Stainless steel version:Main unit , needs mouting bracket.CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera, Fish eye, 1 Call Button, 1-ch Indoor station access, 2 relays for door lock controlIR Supplement , 10M/100M Self-adaptive Ethernet, module connection with RS-485 , 4-ch alarm inputIP65, 12 VDC
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EB Код: DS-KD8003-IME1B/S

Nametag unit ,Stainless steel version, including 4 button covers, needs mouting bracket.6 call butto
Nametag unit ,Stainless steel version, including 4 button covers, needs mouting bracket.6 call buttons, module connection with RS-485 , IP65
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Keypad module, Stainless Steel Version, module connection with RS-485 ,IP65, needs mouting bracket,
Keypad module, Stainless Steel Version, module connection with RS-485 ,IP65, needs mouting bracket, Backlight,Flush mounting, Surface mounting, 98.21mmx100.21 mm x33.7mm, input pin code to open door, call indoor station via inputing room number, powered by other module (Power inp
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Reddot award winner7“ Touch-Screen Indoor Station, 7-inch Colorful IPS LCD, display resolution: 1024
Reddot award winner7“ Touch-Screen Indoor Station, 7-inch Colorful IPS LCD, display resolution: 1024 * 600;10/100Mbps Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n;standard PoE / 12 VDC.TF card, max 32G8-ch alarm input , 2xalarm output, 1x485
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EB Код: DS-KH8350-WTE1

CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,,Plastic, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standard PoE/
CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,,Plastic, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standard PoE/ 12 VDC, Mifare card reading module; 10M/100M Self-adaptive Ethernet, RS-485; 4-ch alarm input,1 relay for door lock contrl; IP65, 2 indicator integrated
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EB Код: DS-KV6113-WPE1

CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standar
CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standard PoE/ 12 VDC, Mifare card reading module; 10M/100M Self-adaptive Ethernet, RS-485; 4-ch alarm input,2 relay for door lock control; IP65,3 indicator integrated
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EB Код: DS-KV8113-WME1

CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standar
CMOS 2MP HD Colorful Camera,, Aluminum alloy, 1-ch Indoor station access, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Standard PoE/ 12 VDC, Mifare card reading module; 10M/100M Self-adaptive Ethernet, RS-485; 4-ch alarm input,2 relay for door lock control; IP65,3 indicator integrated
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EB Код: DS-KV8413-WME1