Non alcoholic hand sanitizer.
Difference Between Alcohol Disinfectants DISINFECTANT Does not dry out and not adversely affects the skin.
Antimicrobial agent in the product, designed for hospitals, livestock, food, drinks and personal care products for the skin of the hands.
UV-C radiation 18 W
UV-C irradiance defined at 2m 143 µW/cm²
UV-C irradiance defined at 20cm 1400 µW/cm²
Power 68 W
Temperature range +20 °C...+40 °C
Net Weigh
FFP2: protection against non-toxic and low-to-average
toxicity solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations
up to 12 x MAC/OEL/TLV, [i.e. NPF=12] or 10 x WEL, [i.e.
FFP2: protection against non-toxic and low-to-average
toxicity solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations
up to 12 x MAC/OEL/TLV, [i.e. NPF=12] or 10 x WEL, [i.e.