Gofreeritud pappkarbid

Pappkastid ja karbid veebis - Marjadele, köögiviljadele, puuviljadele, pitsadele, tortidele, pakkidele, kergetele ja rasketele kaupadele


Otsite turvalist ja kvaliteetset pakendilahendust oma toodetele?

Pappkastid ja karbid veebis - Marjadele, köögiviljadele, puuviljadele, pitsadele, tortidele, pakkidele, kergetele ja rasketele kaupadele

  • 📦 ElectroBase.lv pakub rohkem kui 300 erinevat pappkasti ja karbi mudelit, mis on ideaalselt kohandatud teie individuaalsetele vajadustele.
  • 📦 Meie laias valikus leiate nii standardmõõtmeid kui ka kohandatud pappkaste ja karpe, mis on loodud teie toodete maksimaalseks kaitseks.
  • 📦 Meie pappkastid on valmistatud kõrge kvaliteediga vastupidavast papist, mis sobib erinevateks transpordiliikideks.
  • 📦 Gofreeritud pappkastid on kõige mugavam ja ökonoomsem lahendus erinevate kaupade turvaliseks transportimiseks. Gofreeritud papp tagab tõhusa kaitse mehaaniliste löökide ja kriimustuste eest. Neid on lihtne kokku panna, mistõttu need ei võta hoiustamisel ega transportimisel palju ruumi.
  • 📦 Meie gofreeritud pappkastid on keskkonnasõbralikud ja kergesti ringlussevõetavad. Kaupade turvalisuse ja pappmaterjali vastupidavuse suurendamiseks pakume ka pakkelinte ja kilesid.


Jahutus- ja soojendussüst.,ventilaatorid Akud sülearvutitele ja tahvelarvutitele Data and Optical Network Sulavkaitsmed ja vooluringi katkestid


Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 300/150mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 300/150mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 300/150mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,17  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 150mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 150mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 350 x 150mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,19  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 380mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 380mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 380mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,31  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 350mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 350mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 300 x 350mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,27  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 310/150mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 310/150mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 310/150mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,79  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 155mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 155mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 400 x 200 x 155mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,72  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 390mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 390mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 390mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,68  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 380mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 380mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 380mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,84  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 235mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 235mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 290 x 235mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,09  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 280 x 210mm, 100 pcs/ Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 280 x 210mm, 100 pcs/

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 390 x 280 x 210mm, 100 pcs/

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,88  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 190/95mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 190/95mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 190/95mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,57  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 142mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 142mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 380 x 285 x 142mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,83  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 374 x 279 x 168mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 374 x 279 x 168mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 374 x 279 x 168mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,68  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 360 x 260 x 250mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 360 x 260 x 250mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 360 x 260 x 250mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,01  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 320 x 250 x 190mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 320 x 250 x 190mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 320 x 250 x 190mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,72  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 314 x 214 x 153mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 314 x 214 x 153mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 314 x 214 x 153mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,63  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 310 x 100mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 310 x 100mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 310 x 100mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,88  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 260mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 260mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 260mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,87  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 130mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 130mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 220 x 130mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,63  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 300/250mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 300/250mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 300/250mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,88  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 250/190mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 250/190mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 250/190mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,81  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 200/125mm, 100 pcs/ Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 200/125mm, 100 pcs/

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 200/125mm, 100 pcs/

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,72  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 150/125mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 150/125mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 150/125mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,66  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 100mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 100mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 310 x 215 x 100mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,57  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 290 x 220 x 240mm, 25 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 290 x 220 x 240mm, 25 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 290 x 220 x 240mm, 25 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,92  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 270 x 270 x 230mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 270 x 270 x 230mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 270 x 270 x 230mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,92  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 270 x 195 x 290mm, 25pab/

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 270 x 195 x 290mm, 25pab/

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,44  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 200 x 240mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 200 x 240mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 200 x 240mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,81  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 170 x 80mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 170 x 80mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 260 x 170 x 80mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,33  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 230 x 155 x 290mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 230 x 155 x 290mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,33  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 230 x 155 x 205mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 230 x 155 x 205mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,28  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 225 x 170 x 170mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 225 x 170 x 170mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 225 x 170 x 170mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,46  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 215 x 150 x 200/150mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 215 x 150 x 200/150mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 215 x 150 x 200/150mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,46  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 75mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 75mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 75mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,36  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 150/75, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 150/75, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 200 x 150/75, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,39  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 150 x 120/75mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 150 x 120/75mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 200 x 150 x 120/75mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,41  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 179 x 179 x 68mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 179 x 179 x 68mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 179 x 179 x 68mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
0,29  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 120 x 120 x 915mm, 100 pieces Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 120 x 120 x 915mm, 100 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 120 x 120 x 915mm, 100 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,45  / 
Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 1186 x 785 x 800mm, 10 pieces

Corrugated cardboard box, brown, 1186 x 785 x 800mm, 10 pieces

Saadaval tarnija laos 
18,98  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 430 x 310 x 200mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 430 x 310 x 200mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
5,88  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 390 x 290 x 180mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 390 x 290 x 180mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
5,33  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 310 x 230 x 160mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 310 x 230 x 160mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
3,24  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 305 x 215 x 140mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 305 x 215 x 140mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,88  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 260 x 220 x 130mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 260 x 220 x 130mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,52  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 230 x 160 x 80mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 230 x 160 x 80mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,64  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 210 x 180 x 130mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 210 x 180 x 130mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,97  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 200 x 200 x 100mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 200 x 200 x 100mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
2,08  / 
Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 160 x 130 x 70mm, 20 pcs/pack

Corrugated cardboard box with self-adhesive closure, brown, 160 x 130 x 70mm, 20 pcs/pack

Saadaval tarnija laos 
1,20  / 
