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Marķieris baltajām tāfelēm FOROFIS, divpusējs, 2-5mm, sarkans un melns
Маркер для досок. Конический наконечник. Ширина линии 2-5 мм. Двусторонний: черный и красный.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Parastais zīmulis ar dzēšgumiju, ErichKrause JOY, HB, korpuss-asorti
Деревянный карандаш с ластиком, заточен. Цвет корпуса - ассорти. Твердость HB. Диаметр грифеля – 2,2 мм. Длина карандаша - 188 мм.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Lodīšu pildspalva ErichKrause R-301 Spring Stick&Grip, 0.7mm, zila, asorti korpuss
Классическая шариковая ручка Stick&Grip со стандартным типом пишущего узла и заменяемым стержнем. Ручка имеет полупрозрачный шестигранный корпус нежных пастельных цветов с удобной профилированной грип-зоной из резины и вентилируемый колпачок. 5-канальный пишущий узел с диаметром шарика 0.7 мм в сочетании с быстросохнущими чернилами нового голубого цвета обеспечивает мягкое и быстрое письмо. Длина непрерывной линии составляет 2000 м при толщине 0.35 мм, что является одним из лучших показателей в своей категории.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Parastais zīmulis ar dzēšgumiju ErichKrause SONATA, HB, korpuss-asorti
Обычный карандаш с ластиком, твёрдость НВ. Цвет корпуса - ассорти. Форма корпуса - треугольная. Заточен. Диаметр грифеля - 2,2 мм. Чрезвычайно прочный графит.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Parastais zīmulis ErichKrause AMBER 100, HB
Диаметр грифеля - 2.2 мм, твердость - НВ. Корпус - желтый, шестиугольной формы. Чрезвычайно прочный графит. В упаковке 12 шт.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Marķieru komplekts tāfelēm Schneider MAXX290, 2-3mm, 4 krāsas
Маркер для белых досок и флипчартов. Корпус из пластмассы. В оставленном на 2-3 дня без колпачка маркере, чернила не высыхают. Цвет чернил соответствует обозначениям на корпусе. Конический наконечник с толщиной линии 2- 3мм. Набор из 4-х цветов (черный, красный, синий, зеленый). Цена указана за комплект.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Marķieris baltajām tāfelēm Pentel MAXIFLO MWL5S, 4mm, melns
Маркер предназначен для белых досок. Корпус из ударопрочной пластмассы с окошком для контроля остатка чернил. Система регуляции давления MAXIFLO с кнопкой для подкачки, обеспечивает равномерную подачу чернил до последней капли и позволяет использовать маркер в любом положении. Длина письма в 3 раза больше, чем у маркеров сравнимого размера. Цвет чернил соответствует обозначениям на корпусе. Конический наконечник, диаметр 4мм. Цвет - черный.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Marķieris baltajām tāfelēm Pentel MAXIFLO MWL5S, 4mm, sarkans
Маркер предназначен для белых досок. Корпус из ударопрочной пластмассы с окошком для контроля остатка чернил. Система регуляции давления MAXIFLO с кнопкой для подкачки, обеспечивает равномерную подачу чернил до последней капли и позволяет использовать маркер в любом положении. Длина письма в 3 раза больше, чем у маркеров сравнимого размера. Цвет чернил соответствует обозначениям на корпусе. Конический наконечник, диаметр 4мм. Цвет - красный.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Gēla pildspalva PENTEL HYBRID Gel K116, 0.6mm, zaļa
С резиновой вставкой в зоне захвата. Прозрачный корпус. Металлический наконечник. Гелевые, желеобразные чернила- светоустойчивые, не выцветают после высыхания. Цвет чернил соответствует обозначениям цвета на корпусе. Сменный стержень. Диаметр шарика - 0,6 мм. Ширина линии - 0,3 мм. Зеленые чернила.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Orbit 0° ivy-ink
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
Marķieris baltajām tāfelēm PENTEL MAXIFLO MWL5M, 6mm, melns
Маркер предназначен для белых досок. Корпус из ударопрочной пластмассы с окошком для контроля остатка чернил. Система регуляции давления MAXIFLO с кнопкой для подкачки, обеспечивает равномерную подачу чернил до последней капли и позволяет использовать маркер в любом положении. Длина письма в 3 раза больше, чем у маркеров сравнимого размера. Цвет чернил соответствует обозначениям на корпусе. Конический наконечник, диаметр 6мм. Цвет - черный.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Lodīšu pildspalva ErichKrause R-301 SPRING, 0.7mm, zila, asorti korpuss
Шариковая ручка со сменным стержнем. Диаметр шарика 0,7 мм. Ширина линии - 0,35 мм. Прозрачный корпус с тонированием пастельных цветов. Цвета корпуса — ассорти. Синие чернила.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Permanentais marķieris Pentel N60, melns, 3.9-5.7mm, slīps
Для работ по металлу, дереву, стеклу, пластмассе, картону и другим поверхностям. Алюминевый корпус. Водо- и светостоустойчивые чернила. Не содержит ксилола и толуола. Цвет чернил соответствует цвету корпуса. Скошенный наконечник, ширина 3.9 - 5.7мм. Черный.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Gēla pildspalva Centrum, dzēšama, 0.5mm, zila
Стираемая гелевая ручка. Круглый корпус. Цвет корпуса соответствует цвету чернил. Диаметр шарика 0,5 мм. Синие чернила.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
RoGer Double-sided alcohol markers 48pcs.
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
RoGer Double-sided alcohol markers 80pcs.
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
RoGer Color markers set 100pcs.
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
Parker 2093381 pen set Black, Gold 2 pc(s)
⛟ Delivery 3-5 working days after payment.
Lodīšu pildspalava apmeklētājiem FORPUS, 0.7mm, zila
Ручка шариковая с мягкой пружиной и на подставке. Диаметр шарика - 0,7 мм. Ширина линии - 0,5 мм. Синие чернила. Нижняя часть подкладки липкая для надежного крепления держателя, ее конструкция позволяет размещать на ней ручку горизонтально или вертикально.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC pencils ECO EVOLUTION 650 HB, Set 4 pcs. 000167
Ecologic pencil with resistant graphite. Without eraser. Made from 57% (650) recycled materials. In case of fracture does not leave splinters – safe to use for children, no danger to harm hands with wooden splinters. Resistant graphite, does not break when fall down. Ultra resistant HB lead with improved erase ability. PVC free product. Accredited with NF Environment Ecolabel.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC pencils EVOLUTION FLUO, HB, Set 4 pcs. 446199
Ultra resistant graphite pencil: modern colors. Colored wood - free resin pencil available in 4 fluo barrel colors. Hexagonal graphite barrel. Chew resistant, does not splinter when broken. Ultra resistant HB lead, does not break when fall down. In case of fracture does not leave splinters – safe to use for children, no danger to harm hands with wooden splinters.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC pensils EVOLUTION FLUO ERASER BL4 EU, Set 4 pcs. 449046
Ultra resistant graphite pencil: modern colors. Colored wood - free resin pencil available in 4 fluo barrel colors. Hexagonal graphite barrel. Chew resistant, does not splinter when broken. Ultra resistant HB lead, does not break when fall down. In case of fracture does not leave splinters – safe to use for children, no danger to harm hands with wooden splinters.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Permanent MARKING set 2 pcs. gold and silver 302259
Permanent, water - based marker with metallic effect. Permanent water - based higlighter. Ideal for arts and crafts. Water based. Writes on most surfaces, such as metal, paper, plastic, photos.
Rubber grip for comfort and control. Medium 1,8 mm tip gives line width of 0,8 mm.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Highlighter XL 2-5 mm, pink, Box 10 pcs. 247130
Fluorescent water - based ink highlighter. Textured, rubber grip for added comfort. Will not dry out up to 8 hours. Fluorescent ink. Dye based ink: vivid colors and great covering power. Suitable for paper, faxes and photocopies. Extra large chisel tip gives line width of 1,7 mm for underlining and 5,1 mm for broad highlighting. PVC free product. Water based ink.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER Special pencil Dry Marker 50 322000
Ideal for marking in holes and drill holes. Especially suitable for
wallpapered and roughcast surfaces. Includes sharpener. Erasable.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER PAINTLINER silver, 1-2 mm, B10, 1 pcs.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER PAINTLINER gold, 1-2 mm B10, 1 pcs.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Bic Ball pen Cristal Blue 129627, 1 pcs. 300106
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Ballpoint pens ATLANTIS REFRSH 1.0 mm blue, 1 pcs. 136700
Atlantis pen is a mix of modern style with comfort in handling and smooth writing. Easy Glide System TM ink for smooth writing. Rubber grip for great handling and comfort. Simple design – transparent barrel for visible ink supply.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Ballpoint pens ATLANTIS REFRSH 1.0 mm black, 1 pcs. 136717
Atlantis pen is a mix of modern style with comfort in handling and smooth writing. Easy Glide System TM ink for smooth writing. Rubber grip for great handling and comfort. Simple design – transparent barrel for visible ink supply.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Ballpoint pens 4 COLOURS FINE 1 pcs. 233843
Automatic pen - four colors in one. Ideal to use at school or office. Extraordinary design - four colors in one pen, which can be used each after another just in one click. Extra fast – 2 seconds - drying ink. Wide round orange barrel. PVC free product. 0,8 mm tip gives line width of 0,30 mm. Writing length – 2-3 km.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Fineliners INTENSITY FINE FUN MIX BCL, Set 4 colours 449275
Won’t bleed through most paper. Awailable in 14 bright modern colors. Metal encased tip protects tip when using template, ruler or pother straight edge. Smear resistant when dry.0.8 mm point gives a fine line width of 0,4 mm. Decorated wrap.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Fineliners INTENSITY FN LAGOON , Set 6 colours 498310
Wont bleed through most paper. Awailable in 14 bright modern colors. Metal encased tip protects tip when using template, ruler or pother straight edge. Smear resistant when dry. 0,8 mm point gives a fine line width of 0,4 mm. Decorated wrap.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Highlighter FLEX Pink, Box 12 pcs. 494879
Flexible brush tip that allows to control the width of your highlights. Provides smooth, easy highlighting or underlining for small, medium and large text. Will not dry out if left uncapped for up to 24 hours. Very bright colors that won’t bleed through paper. Comfortable, textured, rubber grip. Suitable for paper, faxes and photocopies. Flexible tip gives line width of 1 mm for underlining to 4,3 mm for broad highlighting.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Stanger Refills A2 plastic, red (10 pcs. per pack)
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Ballpoint pens SOFTFEEL CLIC 1.0 mm, black, 1 pcs. 914360
Automatic pen with comfortable cushioned grip. Easy to use: retractable clic system. Comfortable cushioned grip. Qucik - drying (2 sec.). Barrel color matches ink color. Medium point: 1,0 mm, line width 0,32 mm.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER permanent MARKER M235, 1-3 mm, Set 4 colours 712012
Cap off time ink, Maxi Flow ink. Colors: black, blue, red, green. Colorintensive ink made in Germany. High quality acryl tip for at least 900 mtr marking / writing. Xylene and toluene free. REACH compliant. Made in Germany.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BBIC whiteboard marker VELL 1701, 1-5 mm, red, 1 pcs. 701030
Ketone based ink low odor dry wipe marker. Ketone based low odor ink. Blocked tip will not bend nor retract under pressure. Good eraseability immediately and after few days. Made from 51% recycled materials. Acrylic 4,95 mm bullet tip gives line of 1,4 mm.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER flipchart MARKER 335, 1-3 mm, black, 1 pcs. 713000
Ink does not blow through. Suitable for all common flipchart papers. Maxi Flow ink. REACH compliant. Made in Germany.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Highlighter FLEX Pink 1 pcs. 494879
Flexible brush tip that allows to control the width of your highlights. Provides smooth, easy highlighting or underlining for small, medium and large text. Will not dry out if left uncapped for up to 24 hours. Very bright colors that won’t bleed through paper. Comfortable, textured, rubber grip. Suitable for paper, faxes and photocopies. Flexible tip gives line width of 1 mm for underlining to 4,3 mm for broad highlighting.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC Highlighter FLEX Green 1 pcs. 494619
Flexible brush tip that allows to control the width of your highlights. Provides smooth, easy highlighting or underlining for small, medium and large text. Will not dry out if left uncapped for up to 24 hours. Very bright colors that won’t bleed through paper. Comfortable, textured, rubber grip. Suitable for paper, faxes and photocopies. Flexible tip gives line width of 1 mm for underlining to 4,3 mm for broad highlighting.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC permanent MARKER ECO 2300 4-5 mm, blue, 1 pcs. 300065
Permanent marker with alcohol - based ink. Writes on most services and is made from recycled materials. Made from 51% recycled materials. Extra long usage: will not dry out uncapped left for one month. Extra quick drying after applying on surface. Excellent writing on most surfaces: paper, cardboard, plastics and textiles, metal. Low odor, light resistant ink. Resistant tip. Acrylic chissel tip gives line of 3,7 mm to 5,5 mm.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
BIC permanent MARKER ECO 2300 4-5 mm, green, 1 pcs. 300027
Permanent marker with alcohol - based ink. Writes on most services and is made from recycled materials. Made from 51% recycled materials. Extra long usage: will not dry out uncapped left for one month. Extra quick drying after applying on surface. Excellent writing on most surfaces: paper, cardboard, plastics and textiles, metal. Low odor, light resistant ink. Resistant tip. Acrylic chissel tip gives line of 3,7 mm to 5,5 mm.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER permanent MARKER M141, 1-3 mm, black, 1 pcs. 710080
Ergonomic handling. Maxi Flow ink. Water resistant. Fine acrylic tip for precise marking. REACH compliant. Made in Germany.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER highlighter, 1-5 mm, set 4 pcs 180009000
Luminous fluorescent colors: yellow, pink, blue, green. Soft sintering tip 1 - 5 mm. Large ink reservoir 4,5 ml. REACH compliant. Made in Germany.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
STANGER highlighter, 1-5 mm, set 8 pcs 033347
Luminous fluorescent colors: yellow, pink, blue, green, orange, red, purple, turquoise. Soft sintering tip 1 - 5 mm. Large ink reservoir 4,5 ml. REACH compliant. Made in Germany.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.
Whiteboard Marker BIC Velleda, 3.7-5.5 mm Chisel tip, blue 1 pcs.
⛟ Delivery 1-3 working days after payment.